Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wannabe Instagram Pic Collage

As I have mentioned before I love taking pictures, I have hundreds of pictures in my hard drive and a few dozen in a box. I hate that I have so many pictures just sitting there without being able to show them off. My second other favorite thing right now is Instagram, I love how the pictures look and how they come out if you are able to find a cheap place that prints them right. So one day as I was doing some "research" on Pinterest I got an idea on how to show off my pictures and how to make them look like Instagram pictures (without the hassle and cost of printing them online).

Here are the materials I used (the project cost me about $10 to make):
Foam Cord Boards $1 at The Dollar Tree (my favorite store, if you haven't figured it out by now)
Pictures you have or want to print (11 cents a print at Sam's Club is the cheapest I have found)
Double sided tape $1
Decoration (OPTIONAL)
Coaster as a template to cut pictures (I'll explain)

I first chose the pictures I wanted and used a coaster, yes a coaster, as my pattern for cutting the pictures.

As I mentioned above I wanted them similar to Instagram prints, which are smaller than 4x6. My coaster is about the same dimensions to an Instagram picture when it is printed. I cut all my pictures and made sure to go back and round of the edges to give them a different effect.

I took this picture from the back, so that you can see the round edges I gave my pictures.

Here is a look of the front of the picture.

This is also a neat little trick to do with pictures that have too much going on in the background and you want to bring the focus to an actual person or object. Such as this picture:

I then used double sided tape to attach the pictures to the foam board. As you can see I aligned my pictures in a certain way and left some room in the outside, but it is not necessary to do so.

Once I was done with this, I added a few little decorations on the edges to top it off, but again it is not necessary. The Hubbs actually said it looked better without it, but not for my taste. Here is the finished product:

I love how the pictures actually look like Instagram prints because of the way they were cut. From afar you can't tell they are wannabes because of the dimensions. I will be doing a couple more of these boards to hang up in my stairway area. Once I do that I will update this post with how they look.

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