Monday, March 18, 2013

Cheap Family Fun

It's unbelievable how small simple outings with the family can be so fulfilling. The Hubbs didn't work this weekend and being that we we're financially limited we decided to take the kids to the park. As a parent this can be extremely exhausting and at times boring, but to a kid an outing to a park can be the most exciting thing in the world. Our condominiums are right next to a park and my son is constantly begging us to take him, but for some stupid reason we don't. Granted it can get a bit overwhelming with all the little ankle-bitters running around, but that is what kids enjoy.
It's very rare that the Hubbs gets a Saturday off, so we didn't want to waste the day.

My son went from play area to play area trying to get his money's worth.

While my baby girl did mostly this, with me running behind her making sure she didn't run over any of her peers.

I came to the conclusion that we better enjoy these years where the kids don't demand expensive outings, like to theme parks and malls. Overall we had a great day, the weather was awesome here in Cali and it didn't cost a penny.

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