Monday, March 4, 2013

Photography Love

I had a lovely weekend. I didn't do anything spectacular, but it was a calm weekend where I got to do some simple stuff that I like to do. I was able to go to yard sales, which has become something my son and I love to do. We get awesome deals for extremely low prices (more on this on another post). I got to do a craft with my family pictures, which I will be sharing with you in a couple of weeks. My favorite thing that I got to do was to snap some pictures of my kids and nieces.
I love photography, it is one of my passions. I love taking pictures of the scenery and recently I got into taking pictures of people, specifically children. I'm not a professional, but I have taken pointers here and there from people and websites. A few people that have seen the pictures I've taken of friend's kids and my kids think I must have and expensive camera, but I don't. I in fact have an old Cannon that is quite outdated, by today's standards in cameras. I have a few techniques that help me make the most of my camera and shots. I try to take most of my pictures in natural light. I'll take several shots of the same pose or thing, which allows me to later choose the best shot. I then use a an online photo editor (if needed) to fix or change my pictures. My favorite is, it's an awesome option and the best thing is that it's completely FREE!
I have a few hobbies that I love, but I have to say photography is extremely satisfactory to me. I leave you with some examples of my humble work, Enjoy!

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