Tuesday, March 5, 2013

My wild Baby Girl

Anyone who has ever said that little girls are better behaved than little boys must not have one of their own. My baby girl is 1 and from the moment she was born she has been our feisty little troublemaker. When I heard her cry for the first time she had an angry cry and immediately began throwing her hands around as if trying to fight the nurses. Even at a few months old I could tell she had a shorter fuse than her older brother, her temper would go from 0-10 in a second. I know they say that each child is different, but I didn't think their characters and personalities were going to be so opposite from each other. She's a little dare devil and our son has always been extremely cautious. She loves to fight and will not hesitate to defend herself if need be, to were her brother was more relax. The Hubbs always said that we had it too good with the first one, therefore we were going to struggle more with this one. Although, I don't quite see it that way, I do have to admit it has been a bumpier road this time around, but I love her strong personality and the fact that she will definitely always stand up for herself.
Even with as wild as my baby girl is I wouldn't change anything about her, regardless she will always be my sweet baby girl.

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