Thursday, March 28, 2013

Co-Sleeping Babies

Yesterday night I put my daughter's crib together. It was bitter sweet because I'm used to her sleeping with me, but I know she needs her own bed. The Hubbs has never been ok with either of our kids sleeping with us. With my son he never let it happen, but with my daughter he was a bit more accepting due to the fact that I breastfeed her, which makes it more convenient for me.
When I had my son I agreed on not wanting him to sleep with us because I was afraid of crushing or suffocating him at night. You hear so many horror stories about parents co-sleeping with their children that as a new parent it terrifies you, but I was also the judgmental parent that looked down on parents who co-slept with their kids. I couldn't believe how these parents could be so selfish as to put their children in danger that way, it was beyond me. Then you hear a bunch of opinions from parents who don't think the practice is right and it heats up your head even more. However, once I began co-sleeping with my baby girl I realized why a lot of parents do it. It is definitely a different bond that you get with your child, it is almost a need to have them there next to you to protect them at night. Do I regret not doing it with my son, not necessarily, but I do wish I hadn't been so quick to judge other parents who did it.
More than anything, this has thought me to not be so judgmental on things I haven't tried myself or understand. Everyone has a right to their opinion and more so to do whatever they feel is better for their child. For now my daughter will alternate during the night between her bed and crib, I'm not ready to completely wean her from my bed. She does however seem to like her crib more than I thought she would and much to my dismay, but alas they have to grow up some time.

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