Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthdays

Yesterday was the Hubbs birthday. We didn't really celebrate it yesterday, but we had a mini celebration over the weekend and we will have another one with friends next weekend. I got him a gas grill, which is something he had been wanting for a while now, and my son gave him a cap. Then on Sunday we went to a restaurant for a little dinner celebration to his favorite BBQ joint. Overall I think he had a great birthday or at least I hope he did.
To me birthdays are extremely important celebrations. I try to make everyone's birthday special, let it be by doing a small dinner with the family or a big birthday party with friends. My son is going to be 7 in May and we have celebrated every one of his birthdays with a party. To me and the Hubbs this is important in a child's life because we didn't have that growing up. I had two birthday parties that I can remember and one was more for my mother than me (Quincianera 15th bday). Some of my friends would have birthday parties every year and I remember I would beg my parents to make me one too, but it never happened. Maybe because my birthday was right after the Holidays, but for whatever reason I never had one. I do remember that on my twelve birthday I begged my mom to throw me a party and she went as far as to invite a couple of my friends after Sunday church and that was it. It wasn't an actual party, but to this day I remember it as if it had been. To this day I still remember how disappointed and sad I would get.
There were years when I didn't even get a birthday present much less a party and as a parent I don't ever want my children to feel that way. As their mother I want them to know how grateful we are that they are able to be with us another year and that deserves a celebration. I don't think it's so much about how big a party or present you give someone on their birthday. It's more about letting them know that you care enough about them and you remember.

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