Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Mother's Love

A couple of days ago I was watching the movie Forrest Gump, which happens to be one of my favorites. I get teary eye every time I see how hard his mother fought to keep him in school. It is a true testament of the love of a mother for their child. I know I would do anything for my babies and my mother my has definitely shown me she would do it for me as well.
I often hear people say they would die without their mother's, but I would truly be lost without mine. My mom has always helped me out of tough situations more than I can count. I haven't always been an easy child to deal with, especially when I was younger. A few years ago I went through a rebellious streak and I made my mom's life a living hell, staying out late, drinking and doing the exact opposite of what my parents wanted me to do. It is not something I'm proud of, but it made me learn and grow. I just wish I hadn't hurt my mom in the process. Even with all my mistakes and the headaches I know I gave her, my mom's love has never waiver. To the contrary she showed me more love when she should have been hating me, but a mother's love for their child is not something easy to brake.
As I mentioned before we are going through a rough financial situation right now and once again my mother is there to help us through it. If it wasn't for her we would be truly screwed. I just hope that one day I can repay her somewhat for all she's done for me.

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