Friday, March 15, 2013

More Money, More Problems

I haven't posted in the last few days because I haven't been feeling all that well. I have been under some stress here at home due to our bad money decisions. The Hubbs makes more than enough money for us to live comfortably, but some times we go overboard on our spending. I can't help but feel like a failure during these times. Having money issues can bring a lot of stress on a marriage and unfortunately for me I'm the only one in the relationship who knows what and how the bills are paid. The Hubbs feels that since he works hard to make the money he shouldn't have to worry about bills. I agree with him to a certain degree, but he still needs to know what bills need to be paid so that he can control his spending, something he doesn't do now. Of course he has his point of view, I have mine and it's not always easy to meet in the middle. It's a frustrating situation, but one we have no one to blame for but us. Hopefully our situation will get better soon and that we learn from this mistake. I promise to keep up next week. Have a great and productive weekend.

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