Friday, March 1, 2013

So called Parents?

What the hell is wrong with parents these days? I was at a department store yesterday and I heard a kid about 10-12 years old cuss out his mom. Hearing him say the words he was saying was unbelievable, but when I saw that his rant was directed at his mom just made it sad.
I began to wonder what happened to the respect and morals that were thought to children when I was growing up. I wouldn't dare raise my voice at my parents because I knew that if I did I would be in a lot of trouble. My parents were definitely not afraid to discipline my siblings and I if need be. I was thought to respect my elders even if they were complete strangers and mind my manners where ever I went. Now a days you see kids running a mock, while the parents bitch and moan that they can't control them and they don't know why.
In my opinion a lot of parents have forgotten to teach their children simple manners and most of all respect. This is why we have so many young kids being bullied and disrespected by their own peers. Some of these kids can't respect their own parents, what makes us think they are going to respect complete strangers. If parents actually cared to parent we wouldn't have these out of control teenagers. The sad part is that it's a never ending cycle and history repeats itself with future generations. I'm a true believer that there are no bad children, just bad parents. This makes me wonder, if these young people are our future, I shudder to think where our society will end up.

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