Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beautiful Memories

When I was in Junior High my dad and I had a ritual of going to get Chinese food and then to a thrift store on his day off, which was every Tuesday. To a lot of people this ritual may seem lame, but to me it is a beautiful memory I share with my dad. Just like me I want my children to have those beautiful memories.
My son is obsessed with wrestling and although I stopped being a fan a while ago, I still watch it with him every day it is on. Not because I'm a fan, but more so because I know he likes it and I want to share that with him. I love the way he gets excited with the story lines and wrestlers, it reminds me of when I did the same as a little girl. In the beginning it was annoying to watch it, I would even lie to him about it not being on, but slowly I began to realize how important it was for me to like and participate with things he likes. It is important for children to feel that bond with their parents, it let's them know we care.
Right now I have the privilege of being at home and this gives me the chance to make great memories with my babies. I want them to look back at their childhood with happiness and fondness. I want them to remember our rituals and make them want to build some with their babies.

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