Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Organizing My Mess

With children it is very easy to have clutter. The Hubbs and I moved into our current residence because it was bigger than our old apartment. At our old apartment we had things on top of things due to our baby girl being born, but I think we could have made it work if we were a bit more organized. I was determined not to let that happen here, therefore I have follow a few simple rules to help myself.
First rule, is to "declutter" for 15 minutes every day and only 15 minutes. Each day I do a different area like my make-up station, garage aka the toy room, the closets, under the sinks, and especially the kitchen table. I make sure and do this with the areas that really need to be clean. This has helped me a lot to keep my house looking clean and you be surprised how great it feels.
Second rule, is to organize myself with simple tips I find on Pinterest or other blogs. For example, I purchased shower curtain rods to hang all of my handbags in my closet instead of having them scattered all over my closet. Another thing I did was to purchase a large plastic bin to put toys my kids don't play with. Little by little I sort out the toys and once it is full I donate them to my church. I'll make sure and take pictures once I get more done.
The last, but probably most important rule I created for myself was to make a to-do list. Some of the things on my list don't get done for a while, but having them on there is a reminder that they still need to get done. As a stay at home mom people automatically assume you have a lot of time on your hands, but that's not always the case with cooking, cleaning and running around after the kids. Therefore, we always need to find new ways to make it work and make life simpler. Every once in a while I will share new tips with you and if you have any share them with me.

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