Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Take it Slow

This past weekend I overheard a teenage girl saying she couldn't wait to be married to her boyfriend. I asked myself why do women have such a screwed up way of viewing LOVE. Why do we assume that if we don't hurry up and married the one we love at the moment we won't find happiness. Why can't we just accept things for what they are and enjoy them in their moment.
I have seen many women fall in love and automatically throw caution to the wind. As soon as a woman falls in love it narrows her mind to just that person and the entire world fades away. It's as if we loose all common sense and stupidity kicks in. In my opinion we are more emotional than men, which makes us fall faster and harder. If we took things slow like men tend to want to do, I think we would enjoy our relationships more.
Once upon a time I remember my relationship with the Hubbs was pure bliss. We were young, in love and all was just perfect. Then we got this crazy idea of getting married and of course I lost my head and dove in. I don't regret getting married, much less to my husband, but I do wish we could have waited a little bit longer. I wish I could have thought with my head then and not my emotions, which is what I wanted to tell that teenage girl last Sunday. I wanted to shake her and tell her to enjoy this moment in her relationship and take it slow. I wanted to let her know that marriage is beautiful when it is not forced and on its own time. What is meant to be will happen regardless of how many hours, days, years or decades pass.

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