Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston, Mass.

Today the U.S. is reeling yet again from another tragedy that has taken two lives and injured many others.If you haven't heard or live under a rock, we had another terrorist attack, in Boston. It happened at a marathon race being held in the city of Boston, Mass. Someone detonated a couple of bombs at the finish line and set other ones at other locations in the city. Thank God not all the bombs went off, but what an incredible act of cowardice.
From what I have seen in the news an 8 year old little girl died and it brakes my heart to pieces. I have children and I cannot imagine the pain that her parents are going through. She went to a race to walk for other little children, also victims of a nut job, and she lost her life. It scares me to realize that my children will have to grow up with that kind of fear because a few nut jobs feel they can be God. Long gone are the days where families could attend public events as this one and feel safe. It is a sad reality that my children will have to grow up with.
My prayers are with these people in Boston, but my heart goes out to the families of the 2 persons killed. I'm sorry that it had to happen at all, but most of all I'm sorry that such evil is allowed to keep breathing while a little angel can no longer do it. There is a lot I could say about this, but for now this is it.

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