Friday, April 5, 2013

Garage Sale

My son and I like to go to garage/yard sales on the weekends. We don't do it every single weekend, but we do it quite often. It is something that I remember doing with my mom when I was a little girl and as it seems my son will continue the tradition with me.
I love it, through out the years of doing it, I have found a lot of great things for cheap. Just a couple of weeks ago I found a great craft desk for only $20, when at the store I haven't been able to find one like that for any less than $100. I have found Scrapbooking stuff, books, knick knacks, and even furniture for cheap. When my hubby and I moved out on our own I furnished our new apartment for for about $150, of course it wasn't the latest in furniture design, but it helped us out a lot.
I understand this is not every ones thing, but if people knew some of the stuff I have gotten from yard sales and the prices I have gotten them for, they would try it for sure. I'm sort of a nerd like that, but to me it's awesome because you never know what you will find. I recommend that everyone tries this at least once and I guarantee that more than one of you will get hooked. Happy Hunting!

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