Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stop the Bullying

This past Sunday a woman at church was telling me with tears in her eyes that one of her daughter's was been bullied at school. The worse part was that she went to speak to the principal of the school and she did nothing about it. I could see she felt incredibly helpless. A few weeks ago the same thing was happening to my cousin's son and it made me wonder why it is that bullying is trending right now.
My opinion is that the kids doing the bullying are in need of attention or have self-esteem issues. If more parents were involved with their kids and actually spoke to them on a daily basis we wouldn't have these issues in our society so commonly. I try talking to my son everyday about what he does at school and I try bringing these issues up. I want to give him the trust to be able to come to me if he ever does have these kind of problems at school.
These issues scare me because my kids are young and to think they have to deal with this at school brakes my heart. However, even with that fear I know I have to learn to deal with this because it is real. Hopefully my children never have to deal with this, but if they do I want to be able to help them through it as best I can.

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