Thursday, February 28, 2013

My big boy

When my son was born everyone told me to enjoy him while he was small because soon he wouldn't be a baby any more. At the time I wished he would hurry up and walk and talk, so I could play with him and enjoy him more. Now I see him and I realize how right those people were. I go through pictures of when he was small and I cannot believe he was ever that small. My little guy was born very small and to see how big he is now makes me a bit teary eye. 
With my daughter being born I some times feel guilty that I don't give him enough quality time. I guess it can also be mommy guilt, but some times I feel like I don't tell him I love him enough. At times I feel like I'm too short with him and it bugs me because I had never been like this with him. Some times I wish I could go back in time and enjoy his infancy more, but I realize that time is gone and I should enjoy him now.
When I speak to him I realize how fast his mind is developing and it amazes me. I realize he is a big boy not only physically, but mentally too. He likes to remind me that he is not a baby anymore, but I always tell him that no matter how old he gets he will always be my baby.

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