Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interracial Couple

While I was growing up I very rarely saw any interracial couples, mostly due to the fact that I lived in a predominantly Hispanic community. However, once I got older and began dating, I didn't find it weird to date someone of a different race or culture, it actually became the norm for me. Therefore, the reaction I got when I introduce my husband to my family and friends, was very shocking to me. I never expected any of them to have such prejudice against my husband for being white. Before then I hadn't even really realized we were an interracial couple. My parents and brothers where fine with my decision, but some of my cousins felt that I was making a mistake. They said we didn't have a thing in common and that our relationship wouldn't work because of the differences in our backgrounds, I decided to prove them wrong. It's amazing to me how we're in the year 2013 and people still find it necessary to stare at us when we're somewhere. What is even more amazing is that my race is the one that stares the most and that some of my family members still question my decision to marry a "white" guy. You would think that as diverse in culture as California is, nobody would find it unusual anymore to see an interracial couple.
As I mentioned before we have been married now for nearly a decade and together longer than that. Yeah, our cultures and backgrounds are different, but emotionally we are the right fit. I love him for who he is and not his background. I love that our children will grow up to know and learn from two different cultures. The way that I see it is, if you love somebody neither race, nor color should matter. At the end of the day we all have the same heart and the same color blood pumps through them.

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