Friday, February 8, 2013

The misconception

I love my children, I truly do. They are the biggest blessings in my life, my oldest is 6 and my youngest is 1. I'm blessed to be a stay at home mom, but sometimes I find myself wishing I could go back to work. I have worked since I was 15, therefore it is quite hard for me to have to depend on the hubbs for financial support. When I was working I would often dream about being a stay at home mom for my son, now that I have the chance it is not as glamorous as I thought it would be. It is definitely more work than a 9-5 job and I don't get breaks, it is a 24 hour job. At the end of the day I'm exhausted and I realize I still didn't get everything done. A lot of people tell me I'm lucky to be able to stay home and have the hubbs support me and I'm truly blessed I am, but it is not as glamorous as everyone thinks it is.

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