Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What they don't tell you about Breastfeeding

A little over a year ago I had this awesome idea to breastfeed my baby girl. I didn't have the opportunity to do it with my son for too long because he was born premature and the hospital nurses got him used to a bottle (story for another time). Therefore, with my daughter I was determined to breastfeed no matter what, I wanted that "special" bond every nursing mother talks about. It started off rough for both of us, but I wanted to succeed, especially since nobody around me supported the idea and I'm a bit of a "I'll show you" kind of gal. All was great until around the 4th month when I got a clogged duct and omgoodness let me tell you that SUCKS! I was in so much pain and the remedy was probably more painful than the actual situation, but I got over it. I continued to nurse, a little apprehensive, but continued none the less and around the 9th month I got an infection on the other side. Needless to say I was over this breastfeeding idea.
 Look it's true that you build a great bond with your child that can't be put into words, but what they forget to mention is the other side of nursing. The possible clogged ducts, the infections, the bites once these munchkins get the first little teeth, how super attached they get to you and not to mention the whole part about plan your schedule around breastfeeding so your boobs aren't engorged and hurting.
My daughter is a year now and she still wants to nurse non-stop, every time I attempt to wean her it's a crying session and she won't take the bottle at all. I feel bad about not feeding her so I give in after a while. I want to wean her desperately because I'm completely over breastfeeding, but I feel guilty at the same time. Some people tell me that she will give it up once she's ready, but I'm ready now! I never imagined this would turn into such a headache. I'm all for that special bond and if I could do it again with my daughter I would in a heartbeat, but you better believe I will not do it again if we have another kid.

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