Thursday, February 14, 2013

No love for Valentine's Day

I don't believe in celebrating Valentine's Day. I know this might sound like I'm bitter about the day, but I'm really not. I just think it has become a very commercialized day and it is no longer about love or friendship. In my opinion people celebrate it now to keep up with the trend. When I was single I began to see how a lot of my friends automatically expected something on that day and if they didn't get it their boyfriends had a lot of making up to do. When the hubbs and I began dating I made it a point that I didn't want him to get me something on that particular day just because everyone was expected to do it. I would rather have someone give me something because they thought about me out of the blue and not because they felt they had to do it. The hubbs agreed with me and I have learned to love his randomness. When I least expect it he comes home with a little something and that is more of a surprise than a heart filled with chocolates on Valentine's Day.

Before I didn't celebrate the day at all, now because of my son I have learned to deal with the friendship side of it. We get him little Valentine cards for him to give to his little classmates at school, it's adorable more so because they celebrate without an agenda behind it. They're sincere.
Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the people who choose to celebrate the day, it's the fake feelings and commercialism behind it that make me not want to celebrate it myself.

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