Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Whats the Perfect Number?

I had someone tell me that the Hubbs and I are making a mistake by not having more kids. So I ask them what is the perfect number? Is there really a perfect number? I don't think so, in my opinion it's whatever you and your partner feel comfortable with.
Originally the Hubbs and I wanted 4-5 babies. We had my son and waited almost 6 years to have our daughter. There were definitely a lot of circumstances that made us wait this long, but I think we made the right choice. After I had her we still felt like maybe having one more, but as time went by we decided we were done. The truth of the matter is kids require a lot of attention and we don't think we can give our children quality time if we have more. I constantly find myself having to sacrifice time with my son because my daughter needs me. I used to volunteer a lot at his school and now because I don't have a reliable babysitter during the day I cannot do this as easily. A lot of people just think about money when it comes to planning a family, but they should be thinking about time as well. More than money and possessions children need their parents to be there and nurture them. What's the point of having a lot of kids if you never get to see them because you have to work hard to support them? I believe if more parents realized this we would have less children out there doing anything to get a little bit of attention.
Big families where probably a great idea back in the 20th Century when life was slower and much simpler, but now in this hectic world, in my opinion, it doesn't make much sense.

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