Friday, February 15, 2013

To Work or Not to Work

I'm at a crossroads in my life right now. I have a big decision looming over me, whether to go back to work or be a stay at home mom. To a lot of people this might be a no brainer, but to me it is not.
I have worked since the age of 15 and taken care of at least my basic needs. With the birth of both of my children I have quit work to take care of them. Although, I do not regret these decisions, it is hard to fully depend on someone for financial support. The hubbs has made it known that he is not very happy at work right now and he's extremely stressed out. His situation at work is creating stress for me at home because I feel uncertain of his future there and of course of our finances. This has sent me into "get a job mode" and the hubbs doesn't understand my apprehension. Every time I bring up the conversation he says he doesn't think its a good idea and we end up getting nowhere. He is reacting like I'm doubting his ability to take care of our family, but I just want us to have a safety net in case something does happen. For now we haven't been able to compromise, but I still feel the need for me to be prepared. 

I love my children with my entire being, but some times being a stay at home mom makes me feel like a fish out of water.

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